Your eyes are precious organs, and taking good care of them is essential for maintaining good vision and preventing eye-related problems. However, many people overlook the impact of their lifestyle on their eye health.

From prolonged screen time to poor nutrition, several factors can affect your eyesight. Keep reading to discover how your lifestyle can impact your eye health and what you can do to protect your eyes.

Screen Time

In today’s digital age, most people spend hours staring at screens – computers, cell phones, TVs, tablets. Prolonged screen time can cause digital eye strain, leading to symptoms such as eye fatigue, dry eyes, and blurred vision.

To reduce the impact of screen time on your eyes, take frequent breaks when working on a computer or watching TV. Follow the 20-20-20 rule, which means taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes and looking at something 20 feet away.


The food you eat can also affect your eye health. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, particularly green leafy vegetables, can help maintain good eye health.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish such as salmon can also help prevent dry eyes and Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). On the other hand, a diet high in saturated fats and sugar can increase the risk of eye diseases such as cataracts and AMD.


Regular exercise can improve overall health and benefit your eyes. Physical activity can increase blood flow to the eyes, providing vital nutrients and oxygen to the eye tissues.

Exercise can also reduce the risk of conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes, which can lead to vision problems. However, some activities, such as weightlifting, can increase eye pressure and should be avoided if you have pre-existing eye conditions.


Smoking is harmful to your health, and it can also damage your eyesight. Smoking can increase the risk of eye diseases such as cataracts, AMD, and dry eyes. The chemicals in tobacco smoke can cause oxidative stress and inflammation in the eyes, leading to vision loss. Quitting smoking can significantly reduce the risk of eye diseases and improve overall health.


Getting enough sleep is crucial for overall health, including eye health. Lack of sleep can cause eye fatigue, dry eyes, and eye spasms. It can also increase the risk of eye-related problems such as glaucoma and AMD. Adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep every night to maintain good health and reduce the risk of eye problems.

Eye Protection

Protecting your eyes from injuries and UV rays is essential for maintaining good eye health. Wear protective eyewear when engaging in activities such as sports, yard work, or DIY projects that could cause eye injuries. Sunglasses with UV protection can also protect your eyes from harmful sun rays, reducing the risk of cataracts and other eye-related problems.

Final Thoughts

Your lifestyle can significantly impact your eye health. From reducing screen time to eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep, several lifestyle changes can protect your eyes and prevent vision problems.

If you experience any vision problems or discomfort, consult an eye doctor promptly. Regular eye exams can help detect eye problems early and prevent vision loss. Remember, taking care of your eyes is vital for maintaining good vision and overall health.

Are you on the lookout for a partner in your eye health journey? At Bauer & Clausen Optometry, we offer comprehensive eye care for the whole family. Experience the difference that expert care by an eyecare professional can make. Schedule your eye exam with us at Bauer & Clausen Optometry – and start seeing clearly.