Why Your Eyes Dilate When You See Someone You Love
Your eyes dilate when you see someone you love because you want to see MORE of them. You want to take them all in. You want to see as much of them as possible.
Your eyes dilate when you see someone you love because you want to see MORE of them. You want to take them all in. You want to see as much of them as possible.
You may have heard the term ‘macular degeneration’ in the news lately. If you’re like most patients, the term strikes fear in your heart, but you may not know exactly what it is. Bauer & Clausen is here to help.
Changing Hormones Mean Changes to Your Vision All right ladies, we all know that hormones regulate important functions in the body throughout our lifetime, including puberty, pregnancy and menopause. But did you know changes in your hormones can also affect your vision?
The Truth About Eye Twitches There you are, minding your own business as you work away at a project or watch a movie, when there’s a tug on your eyelid. Twitch, twitch. Maybe it’s your upper lid, or it could be the lower. Right eye, left eye– it doesn’t matter. The only thing…